Tagged with "databases"
Fun MySQL fact of the day: mysqlbinlog
It's 3:37 A.M. when your phone blares out. Your hands are numbed from the early on-set of carpel tunnel and you can't hush the wailing siren that has become of your phone. With adrenaline coursing through your body, you shove your phone under your pillow mashing around in the dark ... read more
Fun MySQL fact of the day: the binary log is binary
Yesterday, we started to form a (somewhat broken) mental model of MySQL's binary log. Today, we'll start taking a look at the on-disk representation before diving right in and using some of MySQL's tools to do fun (and useful!) things. ... read moreFun MySQL fact of the day: the binary log
The very first Fun MySQL fact of the day discussed a MySQL flag,sync_binlog
, which is, indeed, a counter, and while we discussed that it can be used to tune a MySQL database's durability, we didn't really dig much deeper. Over the next little while, we'll do just that ... read more
Fun MySQL fact of the day: duplicate weedout
Last week, we started looking at some of MySQL's semi-join optimisations for subqueries. We've already covered materialisiation,FirstMatch
, LooseScan
, and table pullout optimisations, but there's still one more to clover: the DuplicateWeedout
optimisation, and then thistle be the last topic we discuss about about subqueries. ... read more
Fun MySQL fact of the day: loose scan semi-join
Yesterday, we considered MySQL'sFirstMatch
semi-join optimisation, and while it's pretty simple and fairly straight-forward, some queries may just not benefit from it. ... read more